Starting from Monday, the 23rd of April, our experts: EVP & Director of Microbiome Unit Kaja Milanowska and EVP & Director of Immuno-Oncology Unit Rafał Urniaż will participate in the #BioTrinity2018 in London. If you are passionate about the next generation healthcare and precision medicine, join the presentation titled:
“Ardigen’s #AIempowering #immunotherapy and #microbiome” on the 24th of April, at 11:25 am, in the Plenary Hall Two.
Ardigen’s attendance at this conference is subsidized with the funds from the ProBio Małopolska project, which is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund, carried out on the basis of the project co-financing agreement No. RPMP.03.03.01-12-0121 / 16-00. The trip is organized with the assistance of Klaster LifeScience Kraków.