A new report about the use of medical data to develop AI in Poland


Ardigen contributed to the report “The use of medical data to develop AI and to conduct scientific research in Poland” published by the lawyers of the law firm Domański Zakrzewski Palinka on behalf of the Coalition of AI in Health. ” The report was created on the basis of gaining insight into the challenges that will arise in connection with the technological revolution and the rapid development of artificial intelligence in the area of medical research.


Conclusions of the report will be useful when constructing the policy for the development of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector, as well as in legislative, regulatory and administrative work on improving access to and quality of medical data in Poland.


The prepared analysis answers the following questions:

  1. What are the legal conditions, especially opportunities and barriers, related to access to medical data in Poland to conduct scientific research, including research and development works and development of AI algorithms?;
  2. What actions (legislative, regulatory and other) should be taken to increase access to and quality of medical data in the context of scientific research and AI development?


The coalition was established to bring together leading national and global entities interested in issues related to the development and use of artificial intelligence, possessing extensive knowledge and competence in this area.


The group works to identify and implement educational, technical, organizational and regulatory activities that will maximize the benefits of implementing solutions based on artificial intelligence in the Polish healthcare sector. In particular, increasing the effectiveness of patient treatment and access to healthcare services , while ensuring adequate protection of their rights and freedoms.


Our experts, Dr. Michał Warchoł, Director of AI Labs, and Bożena Augustyn, Clinical Operations Manager, were invited to join the group of AI Champions to support the discussion about issues raised in the report.


Current information about the coalition, as well as a form to support the manifesto can be found at http://www.aiwzdrowiu.pl/.

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