AI hit-to-lead optimization for drug discovery

The Challenge

A mid-sized pharmaceutical company sought to accelerate the hit-to-lead optimization process by identifying the most promising chemical structures with high activity while ensuring synthetic feasibility.

Our Approach

We applied a cheminformatics-driven strategy, leveraging clustering and Maximum Common Substructure (MCS) search to refine the molecular representation model. Using our state-of-the-art COPTIC framework, we employed reinforcement learning to generate optimized compound structures with desired properties.


  • Generated 6,656 compounds, of which 5,857 were unique
  • 2,622 compounds exhibited an EC50 <10nM, indicating high potency
  • Developed a predictive model with >90% accuracy
  • Ensured synthetic accessibility and docking feasibility of the proposed compounds

By integrating AI-driven cheminformatics, we enhanced hit-to-lead workflows, significantly reducing the time needed for molecular optimization.

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