Knowledge hub


New collaborations with hospitals in the area of clinical studies and data collection – press release

Ardigen’s POSTERS at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer’s ( SITC2019 ) Annual Meeting
Ardigen finalized the registration of two clinical studies
Ardigen was accepted into the prestigious TESLA consortium
AICHEM19 POSTER Molecule Transformer for predicting molecular properties
Ardigen’s Summer School
AACR POSTER Predicting immunogenic neoepitopes with biology-aware machine learning
PORT will support Ardigen’s artificial intelligence technology in fight against cancer
mSphere publication on functional analysis of infant gut microbiome

Augmenting Drug Discovery with AI

Cracow Network Training “Agile Bioinformatics for Agile Science” February 3-8, 2019
Mol-CycleGAN – a generative model for molecular optimization
Ardigen at PMWC 2019
Ardigen at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer’s (SITC) 33rd Annual Meeting in Washington
Ardigen at BIO-Europe in Copenhagen
Ardigen at Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Forum in San Diego
Ardigen at AACR Special Conference Convergence: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Prediction in Cancer
Ardigen at II National Scientific and Training Conference of Polish Biobanks