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22 March 2024 Business
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Highlights from the nf-core Hackathon at Ardigen's Krakow Office



This week, we participated in another edition of the nf-core #Hackathon, organizing a local site at our Krakow office.

True to form, the hackathon served as a focal point for innovation and collaboration. Our main efforts were directed towards creating new modules and implementing nf-tests—both critical for boosting the functionality of Nextflow workflows.

We take great pride in our contribution to the advancement of Nextflow’s capabilities and eagerly anticipate further collaboration with the nf-core community. Together, we’re committed to events that align with our mission to code against cancer!




12 March 2024
New Publication on Decoding Phenotypic Screening: A Collaborative Effort with Janssen Pharmaceutica and Jagiellonian University
Ardigen at BioIT 2024
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